I am old hi fi sound music enthusiast, and I recently obtained Pi3 (RS) and PiFi DAC+ with TI 5122. (all from recommended aliexpress vendors).
I assembled hardware and prepared SD with RuneOS 0.4, and boot successfully.
Obtained normal sound from USB flash disk on 3.5mm out before change to I2S.
Next I changed all recommended changes in config.txt and /etc/modules/ .... and asound.conf in /etc/
and can change audio output interface in MPD to HiFiberry dac+ I2S ... and
I HAVE NO SOUND on DAC output. its something like distorted rumble. and I don't know where is the catch 22
What I need to do more or change ?????
(amp working well on aux input where is connected NAD cd player and changed it with dac. Song is Herbie Hancock Imagine MP3 24bit 44.1 kHz 320kbps)
I will very appreciate your help..
SOLVED .... power adapter didnt work well. with another one, DAC works ...