New Raspberry DAC

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New Raspberry DAC

Postby Peter » 02 Jul 2014, 09:24

By the maker of the famous T-DAC, the new Rpi-DAC which uses only P5, leaving P1 for other purposes.
Quote from the maker on Volumio forum:
"If your are looking for a cost-effective alternative of HiFiBerry, a board with more options (e.g. very-low-noise DAC LDO or to power RPi and your extensions, to have P1 connector free on RPi) - please check this out:


Seems like a good option to me, keeping the P1 header available for powering the Pi, LCD display, etc.
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Re: New Raspberry DAC

Postby gswg » 02 Jul 2014, 15:10

you can always just solder a stacked header if this takes your fancy to any of the other P1 enabled DACs (remember some audio cards actually use the signals from the Pi's P1 header) - there around £1. Rigidity is another reason for having both connectors fitted if your putting this into a project. Wolfson and IQaudIO Pi-DAC expose some IO and Pi-DAC the I2C also. PCM5102 has been superseded in terms of performance these days. Still - another option which is no bad thing.
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