I've been using 0.3 for quite a while now, and I'm looking to really customize RA for my situation. I've been using a separate RPi running Flask to serve up some webpages as a sort of "remote control" (i.e., large buttons, only basic controls) as well as for controlling my amplifiers, and now I want to integrate those functionalities into the RPis running RA so that everything is in one place (right now, using it is a little bit clunky).
I was wondering if it would be a good idea to "dive" into this now, or if it would be better to wait until the new version (I think it's called 2.0 now?) comes out. Mainly I'm curious when it will be released (and yes, I understand what all goes into even trying to answer that question ), and how similar will it be to 0.3?
If the new version is going to be similar to 0.3 in how it works, I will start diving in and trying to understand the inner workings of RA, and then when the new version comes out, I will just port my modifications over to it, but if they are really different (i.e., different server software, etc.), it might be better to just wait.
Also, I've looked at the Github page, and not really understood much, so I'm planning to just ssh into one of my RPis and snoop around until I figure it out, but if anybody has any insight or "Cliff's notes" on the inner workings of RA, I would really appreciate the help. I'm a Mechanical Engineer by trade/training, and I have just recently installed my first real Linux images (dual-booted Fedora on my main laptop, and dabbled with Debian/Lubuntu on my netbook), so I'm just a little bit new to this . The amplifier controls require me to use the GPIO, so that's why I've been using Flask until now (it's based on Python).
TIA for the help!