Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

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Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby CityCentreFox » 12 Jan 2019, 20:40

Good Evening All

Newbie here....I have just assembled and installed my 1st Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with a IQaudio Pro DAC+ with RuneAudio. Was a bit of a struggle to be honest. Nearly gave up! Ended up using a build that was suggested on this forum as opposed to the image on the download page. The official download wouldn't get past the rainbow screen. I read something to do with a new kernel needed. I don't know to be honest! I then tried Max2Play (No joy and not free), PiCorePlayer (didn't like) and Volumio (nearly but not quite). I then found the previously mentioned image and installed that. Got it working with music stored on a USB stick.

However it is now up and running and I am able to control it with my cheap Android tablet. It sounds lovely. My Jean Michel Jarre Equinoxe Infinity 24 Bit/48 kHz FLAC oozed quality.

I was wondering whether Rune Audio is compatible with a music folder on a network share on a Windows 10 machine. I can see that you can use a NAS or USB stick. Also the Raspberry Pi doesn't show up on my network. Is this normal?

I don't have problem buying a external hard drive but was wondering if a network share was possible before I spend more money!

Do I need to install a server like Logitech Squeezebox Server for me to do this?

Any help and advise would be appreciated.

Kind Regards

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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby CityCentreFox » 13 Jan 2019, 05:38

Also when I browse my library on my PC using Opera the tracks are in order however when I browse on my tablet or phone it mixes the tracks up.

This is not looking good.

Also no Album Artist listing....Only Artist or Album....This is a must at point of installation?
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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby janui » 13 Jan 2019, 14:04

Hi CityCentreFox,
Try version 0.5b and upgrade it to the latest patch with git pull, see here: runeaudio-0-5-beta-for-all-raspberry-pi-models-t6532.html#p25819
In this version your Windows share is mountable in the Sources UI and if you switch Samba on in the Settings UI your files on the PI will be visible for other network devices.
When you add files via local storage or via a network share MPD indexes them, the order of files is irrelevant. It uses the metadata embedded in your music files to build up its indexes.
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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby CityCentreFox » 13 Jan 2019, 15:00

Hello Janui

Thank you for your reply. That is the download that I have used to install RuneAudio.

Does that need to be updated after the initial install?


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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby janui » 13 Jan 2019, 15:11

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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby CityCentreFox » 14 Jan 2019, 03:16

Hello again Janui

I have done the update as explained and I am now able to see the Pi on the network and have created a network location to the connected hard drive on the Pi. Thank you for telling me about that.

However the track listings in the library are still not in order on either my tablet (running Android 4.4 KitKat - Google Chrome) nor my Nokia 5 running Android 8 Oreo (The Rune Audio app doesn't even find my device...I have to browse with the IP address.) It is ignoring all the meta tags that I have placed. I know that they are fine because when I view the library using Opera browser they are as they should be. Also they are perfectly fine on my phone when using GoneMad Media Player when out and about. Is this a known issue with Android Devices?

I have both refreshed and rebuilt my music library.

I am using a 240Gb SATA hard drive in a USB3 caddy formatted to exFat. My music is mostly FLAC 16bit/44.1kHz. All in separate folders with like this:

Artist->Album Name->(CD1/CD2 if applicable)->Track Name.

I have also installed Opera browser on my tablet and the same thing happens....

Any idea what is going wrong?
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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby CityCentreFox » 14 Jan 2019, 04:43


Just to let you know that I have found something out. Even though the tracks are not in order if you tap the three lines to add to playlist and play the whole album from the folder the playlist has the tracks in the correct order.

Whilst it is not perfect I can live with it and hope a future update will resolve it.

Again many thanks for all your help and advice.

A donation will be forthcoming when I receive funds.
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Re: Newbie - A Bit Advice Please

Postby janui » 14 Jan 2019, 18:27

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