Newbie hardware help

Raspberry Pi related support

Newbie hardware help

Postby Dombo71 » 27 Feb 2016, 14:38

Newbie help wanted. :cry:
Great project! :!: :!:

I want to try to get a working Rune audio.
But before I start I must first have the hardware list complete. [ Ordering in China.. ]
And I hope you can help me further.
A RPI I have in my possession.

My wishes:
An RPI shield, with standard connectors for speakers, just the wires option....
My speakers i can make from, PC speakers , or car stereo speakers, and if possible also BT speakers. What is the best option... What sound card do I need this? as cheaply as possible .... I am a true Dutchman

I hope the RuneAudio in the future can be used by me, like a sonos. What do I need it for.

And if it is possible I want to use the rune in my home automation .. Is it possible via http to serve my runeaudio?

I hope you will help me more ..
Posts: 15
Joined: 27 Feb 2016, 13:24

Re: Newbie hardware help

Postby Grundgütiger » 28 Feb 2016, 13:51

Hi Dombo71,

You like to get a Raspberry Pi that works as an amplifier, so you can connect your loudspeakers?
Have a look at They have an amplifier, so all you need to do is to attach that board onto a Raspberry Pi and plug in your analogue speakers. There might be other and similar boards from other companies but I'm happy with the Digi-board fom HiFiBerry and can recommend them. I have an USB hard drive attached to my Raspberry Pi, where I have stored all my music. That's easy to handle and works like charm.

Re: Newbie hardware help

Postby Dombo71 » 28 Feb 2016, 17:46

Thanks i did order 1 in China..
Wait.. :x
Posts: 15
Joined: 27 Feb 2016, 13:24

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