Newbie having problem with mounting network source

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 20 Feb 2016, 11:39

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby PeteB » 20 Feb 2016, 19:33

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 21 Feb 2016, 12:09


It seems your doubts about MiniDNLA's compatibility with RuneAudio may be well-founded!

I conducted the experiment you suggested, twice. The first time I copied-across, unaltered, the directory <Instrumental> (complete with its sub-directories) into the new share "testshare" . It failed - with the error-message "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting keyboard".

To be doubly sure I then tried putting the actual music file (NB: in .flac file-format) I was trying to play directly into "testshare" without any sub-directory/ies - just in case it was those that Rune was objecting to. This only resulted in the same error-message, but minus "/Instrumental/Bach keyboard"

Unless it is the file-format which is the problem, therefore, it appears that MiniDNLA may be a no-no for Rune - alas!

Unfortunately none of the other media servers my NAS's firmware provides meet my needs, for various reasons, whereas MiniDNLA seemed the ideal choice. Ah well....

Any alternative ideas would be welcome. Meanwhile many thanks for your interest and help.
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 21 Feb 2016, 12:26

@ hondacx35


I wonder, have you any comments about the (apparent) incompatibility of MinDLNA media server with RuneAudio? If the incompatibility exists (as appears may be the case), might there be any prospect of compatibility being achieved in a future version of Rune, or if I want to continue using Rune am I forced to give up any idea of using MiniDLNA, indefinitely?
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Feb 2016, 13:30

Hi fuddyduddy,

i think you totally mixing up things here.

DLNA and a network share are two different things, please read .

RuneAudio can act as a DLNA renderer, but then you need a DLNA server (your miniDLNA) and a DLNA controller.
Your DLNA controller will recognize your RuneAudio device and use it as the renderer.
To use DLNA you only have to enable UPnP / DLNA on the settings page.

On the sources page (MENU->Sources) you can setup network shares.
RuneAudio treats the files on the network attached share (NAS) like local files and play them.
To use a network share you have to make a folder on your NAS public available on your network and setup this as a source on RuneAudio.

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby PeteB » 21 Feb 2016, 16:32

I think that Frank and I are going along parallel but different paths here. I have been running my Rune Audio player with all three network options, NFS, Samba, and UPnP/DLNA, to see which one will work for me best. Frank is correct, you need a DLNA controller. I use an Android app called BubbleUPnP for this, but it is easier to set it up as a plain NFS client, at least at first.

If you were trying to connect to MiniDLNA from the Rune from the Rune network sources screen, it will not work, regardless of whether MiniDLNA and Rune have compatibility issues.

If you set up NFS first (my suggestion above) and make sure your player works and plays files from your server, it will make setting up DLNA easier as a second step. If you have NFS or Samba, you only need the Rune Audio user interface to play files on the server.

Rune player does not work like a DLNA-capable smart TV, or a Blueray player. It DOES seem to work well as a DLNA renderer, as far as I can tell so far, and I am happy to have that feature.

DLNA server: A PC or NAS (with MiniDLNA or similar), or in my case, another Raspberry Pi running XBMC/Kodi.

DLNA player: Smart TV, Blueray players, etc... can locate media on the network, "pull" and play media from DLNA servers. This requires only two devices, the server and the player.

DLNA renderer: Rune for example... can play media from a DLNA server "pushed" to it by a DLNA controller. This requires three devices, the server, a player, and something like a PC/laptop/tablet/smartphone with a software app used as a control point. A home network can have multiple players, servers, and renderers.


@Frank: If you think I am confusing things here, please say so, and I will shut up now... :D
Last edited by PeteB on 21 Feb 2016, 16:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Feb 2016, 16:36

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 21 Feb 2016, 18:33

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 21 Feb 2016, 18:54

Unfortunately my post crossed with PeteB's, which makes some of what I wrote a bit tangential.

Apparently I was wrong to believe that my NAS is capable of performing the role of controller in addition to that of server. I do not currently have, and wasn't proposing to set up, any wireless device to stand between the NAS and Rune.

As matters now stand it seems that I cannot use MiniDLNA on my NAS as server unless I also utilise a separate controller in the shape of a smartphone, tablet or something similar running the necessary dedicated app.

Have I got that right, because if I have it means I'll have to completely re-think whether Rune is for me or not?

It had previously been my intention to use my desktop PC running Windows 10 as my media server (it's where my music library currently resides - not on my NAS - apart from any other considerations). However I hadn't found any means for doing this and that's when I turned to my second option of using MinDLNA on the NAS as server. Now I seem to be back to square one.
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby PeteB » 21 Feb 2016, 19:47

This can work with just the devices you now have, the PC (Windows 7 or later), the NAS, and the Rune player (just not the way you tried at first).

You can keep your music library either on your PC or on the NAS. I would try this first, before you try adding MiniDLNA into the mix. I started with the simplest options, until I got my head around the whole streaming player thing.

After you get a basic setup going, you can always add DLNA.

I don't think your NAS (network-attached-storage) can be anything but a server (not a controller, usually). You can "push" a media stream from your PC (or an Android tablet/phone) but not from the NAS, BUT, you CAN use MiniDLNA on the NAS, IF you also use your Windows 10 PC as the controller (the device used to select and play an audio file.

So, first pick a place where you want to keep your music library, on the PC or on the NAS. Once you do that, either Frank, or I, or any one of a dozen other people can help you get up and running.

In either case, Windows or NAS, you have to make or select a shared directory with your music files, and make sure the share permissions are set so that other devices on the network can access the contents. Usually this is under share properties.
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