Newbie having problem with mounting network source

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby PeteB » 21 Feb 2016, 20:16


Let me put it this way - I am away from home for a few weeks, and all I have is an old HP laptop with Linux, WiFi, a phone, a couple Raspberry Pi 2s, and a 25-year-old receiver. No Windows, no NAS, no real network to speak of, and the cheapest "smart"phone I could buy in a hurry b/f I left home. And I am so old I remember Usenet and BBS's (although I prefer not to).

So, if I can get this running w. what I have, plus a few cups of coffee for fuel, you can DEFINITELY make it work with Windows 10 and a real NAS!

Did I mention "cheap" - oh yeah I did... :D
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 21 Feb 2016, 21:59

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby PeteB » 21 Feb 2016, 23:16

If your Windows 10 directory is shared on the network with the correct permissions, you should be able to add a new metwork mount. You should be able to do it with four entries:

Source name: XXXXX (a new name you want to use w. Rune)

Fileshare protocol: SMB/CIFS (assuming it is on Windows )

IP address: 192.168.... (IP address of the Windows PC, not your NAS address)

Remote directory: Something (the shared music directory name on Windows)
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 22 Feb 2016, 17:29


I guessed as much but made a mess earlier of formatting (in Linux) of the Windows file-path, (The man-page referenced was Greek to me :? ).

Having seen your latest post I've just had another go and now have the first of my music folders entered as a source in RuneAudio -> Sources :D The rest to follow in due course.

Meanwhile I've been all round the houses, installing in Windows not one but two more media servers (Universal Media Server, which seemed to demand TVersity as well, though I still haven't figured out to what purpose). I shall now uninstall them both since I seem to have no need of either.

Many thanks to you and Frank for your help and encouragement.

But don't hold your breath 'cos I'll probably be back with more dumb questions! :mrgreen:
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 22 Feb 2016, 20:54

Unfortunately the moment has arrived quicker than even I foresaw.

When I had only one Remote directory mounted (<Robert/My Music/Instrumental/Bach keyboard>), I was able in the player to go to 'Library', select 'Network mounts' and then when I clicked on 'My Music' the music files in that directory were listed and I could select any of them to add to the queue. Back again in the player I could then play the enqueued file/s.

Then I proceeded to add three new mounts, each a different sub-directory containing music files of either the /Instrumental or another sub-directory (/Jazz) within the /My Music directory. Each mounted without a hitch, showing the respective file-paths with ticks against them.

The next thing that happened was that I was unable to get any of these additional sub-directories to display in 'Library'. Instead the files in /Instrumental/Bach keyboard continued to appear and I could find no way to make them give place to any of those in the three directories I had subsequently mounted. 'Library' each time skips straight from <My Music> directory to the files in a directory two levels lower - so no opportunity is presented to get it to drill-down any other fork.

Thinking that perhaps I was supposed to unmount the files that were monopolising the selection, even though it seemed odd I unmounted their directory (</Instrumental/Bach keyboard>), Thereupon a weird thing happened:- the ticks against the other three sources immediately switched to x's! And when I re-mounted the one I had unmounted they all four switched back again to ticks! In the meantime nothing had changed on the Library page - the same files as had been there from the start are still there.

Is there perhaps some law which dictates what directory-structure one must use - and I'm breaking it? Or is there some other explanation I'm failing to see?
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby hondagx35 » 22 Feb 2016, 21:43

Hi fuddyduddy,

to be honest, i understood only a fraction of your problem.

Maybe this is your problem:
Each mount point has to have a unique name.

It should not be that hard to mount your music library.
From your other posts i read that you are now trying to share a folder from Windos10.
Right click on the folder with your music in it and select properties.
On the newly opened window select the share tab.
You can now enter a public name for that folder and change the security options.
Use this name on RuneAudio to mount that folder.

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby PeteB » 22 Feb 2016, 23:02

Just a some thoughts besides what Frank said:

1) I think you may be making this too complicated for yourself for an initial installation. (you are not alone, I did that too... mounting and removing and mounting again multiple sources etc.) I would make one or two network mounts, at or below the top of the shared Windows 10 music directory, and make sure everything else works the way you want.

2) After you make a new network mount, click on "Rebuild MPD Library" above the Network Mounts Section".

3) Make sure the network mounts do not overlap, if at all possible. So, let's say that you have directories on your PC like:


If you create a network Mount for ...Music do not make another one for ...Music\Classical at the same time.

4) Using the "back" key while in the library may not always go where you think.
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby fuddyduddy » 23 Feb 2016, 12:30

Thanks both!

I'll try to keep this brief so as not to wear out your goodwill.

First and foremost, I now have music playing from my Windows PC through Rune, via the C1+ and I2S DAC to my hifi setup (amp -> headphones/'speakers) :D

I think the problem I've been having is - as you've both suggested - rooted in my eccentric approach to organising my audio collection. For classical music I have little (?no) use for playlists and completely eschew "albums" and "songs" (and "album art"!), preferring instead to use the file heirarchy to reflect genre, composer and performer/s. I've tried repeatedly to reconcile this approach with the tagging (and all the rest of the paraphenalia) of the various archiving software suites to be found on the net, but have had to give up every time so far. Also I have no desire to stream music from any source other than my own collection of music files.

So MPD's functionality (and not only MPD's) is mostly wasted on me.

I've now discovered that I wrote-off TVersity too quickly, because that's what I'm now using. Running it on Windows I'm able to "push" ("cast" as TVersity terms it) audio files to Rune by selecting in TVersity the file-path of the folder in which that audio file resides. This was all I've been aiming to do from the the start and - barring accidents - TVersity seems able to do it.

Interestingly MPD's player also plays-back the same audio file as is selected, and played-back by, TVersity's player running in Windows. But I'm unable to select the file through MPD (or not without tailoring how I organise my audio files to MPD's demands, which I've no need to do if TVersity gives me what I want).

Not so brief! I can only hope some of this experience may benefit someone else sometime.

And I'd like to add that I think RuneAudio is great, and so is its support.
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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby colito » 04 Mar 2016, 18:28

RPi2 + RuneAudio v0.3-beta

Hello there...

I’m glad to see fuddyduddy found a workaround to resolve his issues. I have a similar (and I’m sure basic) issue I need some help with but I’d like to do this in the simpler manner that I think PeteB was trying to guide fuddyduddy towards.

So here’s what I want to do and where I’ve got to so far:

• I have all my music stored on a Win10 PC
• I also have a copy of the same music folder stored on a USB drive attached to my router
• I don’t really care which I access but want to do this wirelessly as my pi will be located in my lounge hooked up to my hifi
• I can play music with the pi networked wirelessly with a usb stick attached directly to it
• My folders seem to be shared on my network properly - I can browse to both the PC and router USB music folders on my network via a win7 laptop and an android phone
• I enter the following in RuneUI usually getting the error 'mount error(13): Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)'

Source name: PC
Fileshare protocol: SMB/CIFS
IP address: the IP address of my Win10 PC
Remote directory: I have entered seemingly endless variants of this path ‘C:\Users\Col & Caz\Music’. I suspect this might be where my problem lies so can anyone tell me exactly what I should enter here?

• One further point, I also cannot seem to play any network radio through RuneUI. I can access Jumendo (sometimes) and add a station to the queue but it won't play. I also tried adding a web radio url but that wont play either. Does this Imply I have a network issue? If so I don’t know how to troubleshoot/fix it.

Any advice gratefully received.

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Re: Newbie having problem with mounting network source

Postby hondagx35 » 04 Mar 2016, 18:57

Hi colito,

welcome to RuneAudio.

You have to enter your settings like shown here:
Remote directory is the name of your shared folder.
By right clicking on the folder and selecting properties you can configure the share or search for the name.

Did you watch the youtube video i linked above?

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