Newbie Here - Help!!

Raspberry Pi related support

Newbie Here - Help!!

Postby Girrlkitty » 01 Mar 2016, 21:45

Okay, so I just got my first Raspberry Pi2, and I have a USB drive with a LOT of music on it. I installed RuneAudio, and I can log in, and I can even see my files, but when I hit play, nothing happens. The song timer shows that it is playing, but I'm hearing nothing. So I either did something wrong, or I'm misunderstanding what I can do with this. What I was trying to do is set up the Pi where I keep my router and cables, and then access it from my office, or on the other side of the house, and stream the music from the Pi onto the device in question. So, for example, I have a tablet in the living room that is connected to a Bluetooth speaker. I want to be able to log into the Pi from the tablet, and play the songs on the Bluetooth speaker. Or, if I'm in my office, I want to log in on my desktop and play the songs on the Pi through those speakers. I don't have a sound card on the Pi at all - I didn't buy one because I didn't plan to play any music on it directly. I am really hoping you guys can either help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, or point me in the right direction on how to set up the Pi to do what I'm trying to set up. Thank you so much!!

I tried to attach the RuneAudio debug log, but pasting it in I'm getting the error that it's too many characters, and trying to attach it, I'm getting the error that doc and txt files aren't allowed. Let me know what format you need it in, and I can provide that as well!
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Re: Newbie Here - Help!!

Postby hondagx35 » 01 Mar 2016, 23:42

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Re: Newbie Here - Help!!

Postby PeteB » 02 Mar 2016, 00:58

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Re: Newbie Here - Help!!

Postby Girrlkitty » 02 Mar 2016, 14:20

Thanks guys! Yeah, I thought when it said it could be the heart of the system, that meant I could stream to my external speakers. I will absolutely take your advice and look for the right software - at least now I know what I'm looking for! Thank you so much!
Posts: 2
Joined: 01 Mar 2016, 21:29

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