Newbie lookin' for specific info

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Newbie lookin' for specific info

Postby smartdriver » 04 Mar 2017, 10:30

Hello there,

My name is Paul, 51 years young and i live in the Netherlands.
Not a Runeaudio user yet...but one with questions....

I'm a hifinutter and not a person who knows or understands computers.
At this moment my hifiset plays music only digital via streaming from a nas.
The contents of the nas are controlled via Albumplayer (W-10) with ASIO for bitperfect playback.
This "bitperfect" is very important to me.

I'm almost ready to downsize and simplifying my streaming setup with a RPI or ALLO Sparky but definitely with the ALLO Kali reclocker.
My 1794 DDDAC NOS (slave) is fed now with music via usb (wave-io board) and that is put into I2S signals which feeds my dac.
With de RPI, or Sparky, complemented with the Kali the usb is out of the equation because this setup gives me I2S directly.
Simpler, better sound quality.

My question is this;

If i'm not mistaken you claim to be bitperfect but i read that you implement digital volume control.
This means that the datastream is tempered with if i'm correct and please correct me if i'm wrong.

Is there a possibility to switch off this digital volume control and then can you guarantee me then that the signal path is bitperfect ?

Thanks in advance!

With regards, Paul
Posts: 2
Joined: 04 Mar 2017, 10:18

Re: Newbie lookin' for specific info

Postby Yatsushiro » 04 Mar 2017, 11:29

Hi Paul

Yes, very simply Rune can be configured for bitperfect output; the configuration options that you can set that will change this are fully identified.

If you are to run Rune, and I heartily recommend it, it will have to be on A Pi for now, as there is not yet a Sparky image available.

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Joined: 11 May 2016, 10:30

Re: Newbie lookin' for specific info

Postby Discovery » 04 Mar 2017, 14:13

I can also confirm that a bit-perfect test on my external DAC confirms this mode of operation.

RuneAudio themselves advise not to use digital volume control because it decreases sound quality. I let the RPi give full output and control volume in my DAC.

I also recommend the RPi with RuneAudio, even in very high quality systems - it can be that good.
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Re: Newbie lookin' for specific info

Postby smartdriver » 04 Mar 2017, 14:37

Thanks Paul and Discovery for your answers and explanation.

As i said, i'm a hifinutter so anything that has to do with sound manipulation or even volume control before amplification makes me shiver :mrgreen:

A pitty that there isn't a Rune version for the "Sparky", i thought that all these small SBC's where the same, now you all know how up to date i am with this stuff :oops:

That brings up my next question, any idea timewise how long it's gonna take to get the "Sparky" running on RUNE?

Futhermore, i heard through the grapevine that ALLO is on the brink of getting a new shield out on the market, a "galvanic" shield to be specific.
This galvanic shield will separate the RPI or SPARKY from the KALI for example, like a primary coil of a transformer from the secondary coil, so with no physical connection between the two.
This will eradicate any noise from the SBC to the next shield (KALI or DAC) so this noise is canceled from the audio datastream and not audible.

Cheers, Paul
Posts: 2
Joined: 04 Mar 2017, 10:18

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