Newbie looking to replace SBT with Pi and Multibit DAC

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Newbie looking to replace SBT with Pi and Multibit DAC

Postby hifisandwich » 16 Nov 2015, 16:45

Hello - I've started playing with my Squeezebox Touch again and I'm really impressed with the features and usability of this little device - however looking around it would seem that I could get an alternative 'ease of use' solution by sandwiching together a Raspberry Pi with a TDA 1543 DAC based filling (then perhaps another layer for an amplifier, or just use my present excellent Croft amplifier).

So if this has the same functionality as an SBT then why not! How much would it cost to put together the following sandwich: Raspberry Pi into one of your compatible connecting TDA 1543 circuit boards for stunning sound quality coupled with great convenience?

I would be nice to put a friendly case around the building blocks too if possible.

Oh and compatible external power supply (battery pack?) to ensure the solution is given a good power feed.

Thank you.
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Re: Newbie looking to replace SBT with Pi and Multibit DAC

Postby Aquarius » 18 Nov 2015, 16:44

If you're interested in cost, Raspberry P+case+daughter DAC board (wichever DAC you fancy). Should total below 100$ depending on country/availability.
-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: Newbie looking to replace SBT with Pi and Multibit DAC

Postby hifisandwich » 18 Nov 2015, 21:20

The trouble is that the DAC I fancy (the TDA1543 DAC featured here) seems to be $120 on its own so I don't think I can package the whole lot up in just $100 unless I am misunderstanding something. I am in the UK
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Re: Newbie looking to replace SBT with Pi and Multibit DAC

Postby Aquarius » 25 Nov 2015, 10:39

-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: Newbie looking to replace SBT with Pi and Multibit DAC

Postby hifisandwich » 26 Nov 2015, 13:01

Yes I can ditch my SBT - except the SBT is "much" better looking so the only advantage of replacing the SBT is to take advantage of hi-end DACs that connect only to the Raspberry Pi such as this TDA1543 DAC.

I could sell the SBT then use the money and afford both with ease I guess; but again, I need to consider how "nice" the SBT looks in comparison.

Can anyone recommend me a hi-end sounding multibit DAC (sorry I tend to like the MB sound) which works from standard coax digital?
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Joined: 16 Nov 2015, 16:36

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