Newbie struggling with altering his Pi3

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Newbie struggling with altering his Pi3

Postby Lol999 » 19 Dec 2017, 15:27

Hi, I'm a 52 year old male noob to Pi, I bought one to build a music server and after a lot of frustration, some of it caused by Win32DiskImager not flashing my sd card properly I eventually got Rune to run.

However, being a striver for all things better I found this post where a no small amount of changes were made and added to the software:

I chickened out and followed the "simpler" instructions from this member as linked in the post above:

I have to say I couldn't find exactly where to put the additional code as mine didn't resemble his despite me downloading the latest version of Rune. As such my Pi wouldn't boot so I had to re-flash the card and start from basics again.

Could anyone help me out with simple instructions on how to amend the standard downloadable code so I can further mod my Pi 3 please?

I am computer literate but have never dabbled with Linux, my speciality is Microsoft products for work.

Many thanks, Lol
Posts: 20
Joined: 19 Dec 2017, 15:19

Re: Newbie struggling with altering his Pi3

Postby Lol999 » 20 Dec 2017, 16:46

Not to worry, I searched the net and figured out how to do it. Someone could really do with creating a sticky for the ignorant such as myself.

Cheers, Lol
Posts: 20
Joined: 19 Dec 2017, 15:19

Re: Newbie struggling with altering his Pi3

Postby ianhaynes » 20 Dec 2017, 17:37

As a first step in trying the affect of 'tuning' changes, try the different existing sound signatures available in the Settings menu, if you've not already done so. There are audible differences and you may find one that suits your audio set up.

My hearing is no longer at optimum (several years older than you...) and I was unable to hear any differences with the changes suggested by Archimago, although they should result in a less stressed Pi board.

I have been able to hear improvements after experimenting with the PSU. My first step was putting a ferrite sleeve around the cable from the official Pi wall wart PSU I originally used. Although I'd not specifically noticed the noise before, this cut out all the hi-frequency mush from the PSU and gave a 'blacker' background. (Something like this )

Encouraged by this and other posts I'd read, I built a low noise linear PSU (board from Ebay + torroidal transformer). On fast percussive music in particular, there is greater clarity. A further improvement was to take the power feed for the Pi/DAC combination to the DAC via the GPIO pins, rather than via the Pi power input. The sound stage widened when I did this. (It may simply be that the DAC board is then getting a proper 5v supply, instead of 4.9v or so when it is powered via the Pi).

After many years of experimenting with Hi Fi I am aware than many tweaks and improvements are subjective and can be the result of nothing more than a very slight increase in volume or tone. It's still very satisfying trying to make improvements.

Pi2 + IQaudIO Pi-Dac+
Linn Majik Amp. Epos ES12i.
Pi 2, Ver. 0.5b, IQAudio DAC+
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Re: Newbie struggling with altering his Pi3

Postby Lol999 » 21 Dec 2017, 06:01

Hi Ian and thanks for replying. I have done the mods to code, or at least most of them, as suggested by Frostdk. I have left out the upsampling as I will do that via software at ripping stage if I am interested.

I would very much like the details of your psu, this is one thing I am looking at but not being an electrician (I used to manage an electronics factory :D ) I wouldn't know which parts to buy so if you have any links or specs that would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Lol
Posts: 20
Joined: 19 Dec 2017, 15:19

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