No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Cubietruck related support

No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby bejoro » 30 Apr 2015, 16:37

I have got my Cubietruck today and I have installed RuneAudio. Nice UI, fast boot.

At a first step I would like to use the CT/RuneAudio as a UPNP/DLNA renderer only.

Connected to Ethernet.

I have connected a RME FireFace UCX (USB) and selected it in the UI as an audio output.

I have activated the DLNA/UPNP renderer option and applied settings.

There is no DLNA/UPNP renderer visible e.g. in BubbleUPNP.
After reboot the audio output reset to "sunxi-sndi2s".

I have some Linux experience.

Volumio works - so the setup is fine. But I would like to use RuneAudio.
Best regards,
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Re: No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby bejoro » 30 Apr 2015, 20:51

I have created an user "upmpdcli" and started upmpdcli manually.
Now I can stream to my Cubietruck RuneAudio as an UPNP/DLNA renderer. Nice.
Of course only a "dirty" workaround.

But RuneAudio does not start upmpdcli at startup.
Best regards,
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Re: No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby hondagx35 » 30 Apr 2015, 21:20

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Re: No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby bejoro » 30 Apr 2015, 22:15

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I will write a clean image to my SDcard again, perform the suggested procedure and report back tomorrow.

I would be able to test some USB DACs (RME UCX, Electrocompaniet ECD2, Atoll DAC100, Atoll DAC200, Audioquest Dragonfly 1.0).

I'll keep you updated.
Best regards,
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Re: No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby bejoro » 01 May 2015, 09:21

Hi Frank,

I have tested your suggested upmpdcli procedure and of course it worked very good.
UPNP/DLNA activation was immediately executed and BubbleUPNP showed RuneAudio.
Thanks a lot.

DAC recognition:
I have tested an AudioQuest Dragonfly 1.0. Very cool, even hardware volume control of the Dragonfly works flawlessly.
And after reboot the AudioQuest Dragonfly is still selected.

But I would appreciate very much if you are able to solve the delayed recognition of the RME UCX.
Maybe there are more DACs out there in the field which show also that behaviour. Could prevent a lot of support requests.

Great job! Thanks again.
Best regards,
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Re: No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby bejoro » 08 May 2015, 12:21

Hi Frank,

Just FIY:

Also the output setting of an Electrocompaniet ECD2 DAC does not "survive" a reboot.

Have a nice weekend.
Best regards,
Posts: 10
Joined: 30 Apr 2015, 16:24

Re: No DLNA/UPNP renderer - audio output reset after reboot

Postby bejoro » 09 May 2015, 09:30

Hi Frank,

I don't know if you are still interested in that matter. So again FYI:

For remote control of some functions I have installed the "at" package and activated atd at startup.

After installing the package "at" I did a "systemctl reeanable atd", because atd was not started at boot.

Surprisingly, now the RME UCX will be setup correctly after a reboot.

I don't know, maybe the small delay at startup caused by starting the atd does create enough time for a correct detection.

Maybe a little hint for your investigation.
Best regards,
Posts: 10
Joined: 30 Apr 2015, 16:24

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