No sound from Pi2 with Hifiberry Digi+

Raspberry Pi related support

No sound from Pi2 with Hifiberry Digi+

Postby davide256 » 05 Jul 2016, 23:19

I've been using Volumio with the Pi 2 + Hifiberry Digi+ for some time without issue. Had heard that Rune might be better but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I have unremarked the Hifiberry in config file so that its shows up as an output device, this was little different from Volumio. Also per what I read on the forum, I selected hardware volume control. The boot SD card is 32gb so plenty of space. The problem is this

a) dac shows its synched to the coax out of the Digi+ but there is no sound
b) Rune shows that its playing music , play time counting down, but the kbps rate is always 0, bit depth and sample rate are correct.

using beta software version of Rune that site was downloading as of 7/4.

Sounds like there is a piece missing for Rune setup with Digi+ that was not required for Volumio. What am I missing?
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