no sound Hifiberry DAC

Raspberry Pi related support

no sound Hifiberry DAC

Postby lomoss7 » 29 Dec 2014, 15:54


Eventually I have been able to get the runeaudio UI to work on the Pi. I can change audio ouput between 3.5 jack on the pi and the hifiberry. However, there is no sound from the DAC only from the Pi jack. How do I know if I have a duff DAC. the Rune debug log states hifiberry but not sure if that is code or from result of the OS detecting the DAC.

I have done some programming (20yrs ago) so would like to avoid it if possible.

Have discovered that the headers had not been soldered on. Massive school boy error. Ran the test image at it worked.

On playing music I now get random pauses of 1-3 seconds at random periods between 20 and 60 seconds. It does not happen on streaming radio stations.


Many thanks

Last edited by lomoss7 on 30 Dec 2014, 01:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: no sound Hifiberry DAC

Postby pba » 29 Dec 2014, 16:32


the easiest way is to get the test image from Daniel:
go to the and Download the "Raspbian with test tone generator" image. This should give you a test sound after booting the pi (no configuration needed).

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Re: no sound Hifiberry DAC

Postby lomoss7 » 02 Jan 2015, 14:10

Hi Michael

Yes done that and it works.

However, I get silent gaps when replaying audio. Have changed buffer values etc, but no improvement. Using a class 6 SD card.
Happens with wma and mp3 files. Thats the only ones I have on the NAS

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Re: no sound Hifiberry DAC

Postby pba » 04 Jan 2015, 00:00

Hi Hall,

strange issue you have there. I'm running a Hifiberry DAC, DAC+ and Digi and have no silent gaps. Music is all on my NAS (DIY Box with Ubuntu), all in mp3. I'm running default settings of Runeaudio, buffer is at 2048kb, Airplay and spotify are switched off.
Are you connecting your pi or your nas over wifi? Is there anything on the USB ports of your Pi? (the ethernet port of the pi is connected via usb)
Is your NAS running smoothly with your computer, so no silent gaps there?

Don't know, but for me it seems more like a NAS issue than a Rune issue, but it could be anything...
Last edited by pba on 05 Jan 2015, 00:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: no sound Hifiberry DAC

Postby lomoss7 » 04 Jan 2015, 16:00

Hi pba

It was running perfectly when I was faffing around my flat. Stopped for a cup o tea the started to surf the net from the laptop via wifi. The playback started to breakup as described. Think you are right, there may be issues with my network setup, switch, wifi, nas (wd my cloud) etc.

i wonder if there is an optimal configuration for this stuff?


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Joined: 29 Dec 2014, 15:50

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