I have used this Equipment for say 4 weeks. It is mounted in a HiFi Berry metal case and well protected. I am using the transformer output.
Rune version is the "-05 for almost all RPI models".
The ambient temp is 27 - 30 DegC 24/7.
According to the Rune Web Ui, everything is working flawlessly. Media on Network and USB visible. Plalyist configurable. Selecting files from the playlist for playing, no problems. The "blue circle" in the play window indicates the progress. Artwork iss shown.
I have multichecked the configuration and set up. Everything OK and like I used to have it for about a year by now.
The amplifier is "ruled out", I have checked the inputs with my CD player (digital signal of course).
Every suggestion what to look for is very much apreciated !
I will also Contact HiFi Berry.
Best regards
Today, about 2 weeks later.
Exactly the same issue as descibed above.
And the remedy was to mount a newly refreshed SD card.
Like in all my precious issues, they are more than a handfull by now !
Thanks !