No USB Audio after changing sound signature

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No USB Audio after changing sound signature

Postby maha0098 » 11 Oct 2016, 05:28

I had my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB installed, connected via USB to my DAC (NAD M32). I played around with various settings and everything was working fine, but then I tried out one of the other sound signatures. I think I chose Orion or ACX. After getting no sound, I tried to revert back to RuneAudio sound signature, but still have zero output via USB to my DAC. I also tried the ArchLinux default, that didn't output any audio either. HDMI still works to my TV, and my DAC is still picking up on the sampling rate changes even though there's no audio coming through. I tried another source to the DAC and that's working fine, too.

Additionally, I tried to re-flash my SD card with RuneAudio - that didn't fix it. I tried re-flashing with Volumio, too - that didn't fix it either. I've also tried different USB cables and all of the USB ports on the Pi board. Any clue on how to get this working again?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Re: No USB Audio after changing sound signature

Postby hondagx35 » 11 Oct 2016, 06:43

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Re: No USB Audio after changing sound signature

Postby maha0098 » 11 Oct 2016, 07:02

Thank you for the suggestion! I SSH'd in to the Pi, entered alsamixer, found the device via sound card device 1, and can see that the volume is set to 100 for both. I still have no audio even after saving and rebooting the Pi.

I've attached a screenshot if that helps to further troubleshoot the issue?
Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 12.01.27 AM.png
Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 12.01.27 AM.png (76.17 KiB) Viewed 1835 times
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Re: No USB Audio after changing sound signature

Postby khaims » 11 Sep 2017, 09:12

hello, I also have quite the same issue like maha0098
I use aune X1S. At 1st, I'm able to get the sound out. Web radio, spotify, ext HDD, but when I try again after few days, no sound from speaker.
I confirm the cable is ok because able to connect to pc and play using spotify PC.
The 3.5mm jack (on pi 3) output also ok, I connect to my earphone.
I 'm not yet try the alsamixer command. but if it happened like what maha0098 experienced, what other step to be done?
Many thanks

the changes I did was at MPD settings, I disabled the volume control, since it says the disabled volume control will gave the best performance
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Re: No USB Audio after changing sound signature

Postby khaims » 12 Sep 2017, 05:27

After I did some more googling, found out that my sound card X1S USB DAC was muted. Using alsmixer, choose the sound card (F6), below the volume control it shows MM, which is muted. I choose the device, then type "m" to unmute it. it changed from MM to 00.
since I have 2 volume control, I need to change both
thank you. my problem solved.
but I need to see tonight if the problem come again. if the problem come again, I need to find the way to make it permenantly unmute
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