No WiFi connection on Pi 2

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No WiFi connection on Pi 2

Postby TJH » 01 May 2015, 10:22

I just can't connect to my Pi 2 via its USB wifi.

RuneAudio works fine over ethernet.
RuneAudio accepts and stores SSID and WIFi password (WPA2) OK.
RuneAudio sees ethernet and WiFi connections with IP address for each.
Router sees RuneAudio on WiFi and Ethernet with IP address for each.

Reboot Pi with ethernet disconnected - Router still sees RuneAudio but no connection to GUI.
Putty doesn't see Pi with RuneAUdio over Wifi either.

USB WIFI is PiHut Realtek
No odd characters or spaces in SSID
Power is 2A PiHut PSU

I've fiddled with /Dev, and pulled from git, but don't really have a clue.

Any hints?

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Joined: 13 Apr 2015, 14:04

Re: No WiFi connection on Pi 2

Postby hondagx35 » 01 May 2015, 20:18

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