I've had some issues with noise on the outputs of the DAC+. I was finally able to trace it to noise conducted over the HDMI port when the cable is connected. I would be grateful for any information or links on how to keep this from happening.
With the HDMI cable, I get around 80db in actual use, equivalent to 14-bit useful resolution. Without the cable I get close to the expected 100~110 db dynamic range. I would like to do better.
See below for some screen grabs from RMAA. I also have similar results from another tool called "Daquarta" I can post later.
The DAC+ results are very good, when tested with the HDMI cable unplugged, so I do not suspect a hardware problem.
In the pics, the white trace is a test with HDMI unplugged. The green trace shows the effects of the noise with HDMI connected. The graphs are on a logarithmic scale, so the difference does not look like much, but it is significant.