Noise through USB async dac until first tune played

Raspberry Pi related support

Noise through USB async dac until first tune played

Postby anotheruniqueid » 05 Mar 2017, 14:23

I am using a RPi running RuneAudio 0.4 with a external USB async DAC (SMSL Sanskrit Pro-B). RPi also has iqaudio pi-dac+ installed.

When I first attach my DAC to the USB port or switch on the DAC while attached to USB port, I get a continuous set of seemingly 'digital' noise from the DAC output. The noise is pretty loud so a little concerned about my headphones.

The noise stops straight after the first track is played and AFAIK the noise stays away until DAC is switched off and on again.

During normal playback there is no noise and combination sounds great, but don't really want to leave the DAC on 24x7.

Does anyone have any suggestions for addressing noise before playback.

Thanks in advance.
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