Noob question: Rune's suitability for a given application

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Noob question: Rune's suitability for a given application

Postby Upholsterer » 08 Jul 2018, 02:56

Hey all,
I'm building a rpi-powered boombox with no networking, all files and controls local to the device. The interface will be a hardened joystick and an armored 128x64 OLED. It's gonna be in a heavy industrial environment so I can't use my phone to control it and EMI is discouraged. As far as I've seen, the only way to control a rune player is with runeUI. Am I wrong? I need to have playback controls, library scrolling, and on-the-fly playlist building all on that 128x64 display. Surely someone has been down this road before me. Also should I have posted this to the raspberry board?
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Re: Noob question: Rune's suitability for a given applicatio

Postby janui » 08 Jul 2018, 12:29

Hi Upholsterer,
Rune is not really built to do what you need, but I think it can be done.
You should look at the following posts for controlling Rune with an USB keypad, IR remote control or touch screen. If it can work with these devices other physical controls should also be possible. Some of these posts also deal with installing a local display, that may also be of interest. See here: control-runeaudio-with-usb-keypad-t4288.html#p18925, 2-4ghz-airmouse-as-remote-t3119.html#p11069, runeaudio-rpi2-rp3-0-4-beta-20170229-2gb-ir-remote-keyes-t6270.html#p24788, rpi3-screen-3-5-kedei-runeaudio-t6271.html#p24795, lcd-display-and-buttons-in-python-tutorial-and-code-t1191.html#p6966 and yet-another-lcd-post-t6325.html#p25050.
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Re: Noob question: Rune's suitability for a given applicatio

Postby Upholsterer » 08 Jul 2018, 23:40

Thanks janui,
That's got me off to a pretty good start. So I'm pretty much set for the physical controls. As far as the software end it looks like I'll have to use 'midori' and run a local browser on the pi?
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