Not able to connect to RPi on RuneUI after ~15 mins

Raspberry Pi related support

Not able to connect to RPi on RuneUI after ~15 mins

Postby tckiely » 24 Feb 2017, 05:29

On my Raspberry Pi 3 B, after about 15 minutes (or less) of interactions on RuneUI, chrome gives me the error "This site can’t be reached
runeaudio.local’s server DNS address could not be found." After this, if I re-flash the software back onto the SD card and try again that works, but powering it off does nothing. This has reliably happened ~5 times. This will also happen when I try to change the name of the device or the time zone. I have not yet gotten the system fully working with my USB DAC.

Thanks in advance for any help
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Joined: 24 Feb 2017, 05:17

Re: Not able to connect to RPi on RuneUI after ~15 mins

Postby hondagx35 » 24 Feb 2017, 11:08

Hi tckiely,

you should provide more information to get help.

- wired or WiFi connection?
- USB DAC is powered from RP or externally?
- have you tried other browsers as well?
- have you tried to use IP address instead of player name?
- have you tried a different sd card?
- what power supply do you use?

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Re: Not able to connect to RPi on RuneUI after ~15 mins

Postby tckiely » 24 Feb 2017, 20:59

To answer some of your questions, I am working with my RPi with a wired connection, with my laptop wirelessly connected. Runeaudio has not worked long enough to setup the USB DAC, so that is not invoking the problem. I have not tried other browsers as well when it stops working, but I have tried to airplay to it after it crashes, with no success. I have not tried to use the IP address to connect after it seems to crash, and I will try that tonight. I have not tried a different SD card, as I do not have another, but will try that soon. The power supply that I have been using is a 5V micro usb "travel charger". I have been using the power supply for over a month with it running PiHole nonstop, so I doubt it is that. One time I was able to successfully AirPlay to it after flashing the SD card through the 3.5mm jack, so it has worked, but will not work for a prolonged period of time.

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Joined: 24 Feb 2017, 05:17

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