UPDATE: It is working now.
What I was doing: Trying to boot into the Pi with a monitor that had a HDMI to VGA converter on it and only wifi dongle. The same setup I had for the standard Pi OS, wasn't working for the RuneAudio.
What I did: Plugged in a HDMI monitor and Ethernet cord. I saw that it was in fact booting up on screen. I couldnt figure out the login on the pi. I relented and went with the webui, the issue was my windows and other machines were not seeing the device. my Network Genie had picked up the new device though and I had to use it to determine the wifi address. I had to go directly to the device via the ip address in Chrome and Firefox (Firefox was kind enough to automatically make me an app)
/RuneAudio and RuneAudio.local in a browser does not work, nor is there a new network item on my Windows, Linux or Mac's lists. Configured the wifi to see my network and it's login. Disconnected the wifi and moved it to the stereo room.
Now that I know it is loaded and working, I am order the DAC suggested in your instructable article that turned me on to your project.
The system it is going into is a Pioneer SX-780 with two Klipsch Cornwall II's. So my dad's technology will meet mine! :