I have 8GB sd card with rune audio installed using the RP3 version and is all working perfectly after recovery of files from the RP1 but now when trying to install no-ip software to update my domains dns with my pis ip i have to install GCC.
When installing gcc, i type: pacman -Syy to update the files database (sync) then i do: pacman -S gcc and hit Y to install. After installing, i get a redis : "Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (redis)" and a long error on my runeaudio. Did some online research and people said to update my system using pacman -Syyu which i did and i hit Y to update but then i get a out of space error saying i have 10k blocks free but i need 70k blocks? Looking at my SD card in windows it says its only using like 2gig out of the 8 (7.5gb).
The error i get is: Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (redis). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (tcp://localhost:6379?weight=1) in Unknown on line 0
If anyone can tell me how to fix this redis issue then thatl be great! Im not even sure if i do update the system itl fix the issue. This redi session is annoying.
Let me know thanks!