Offline shared directories

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Offline shared directories

Postby PeteB » 27 Apr 2016, 21:26

I have noticed some strange behavior when a network shared directory is unreachable, or unmounted while playing files from that source, or when the source powers down or resets. Not sure if I am seeing the consequences of some bad configuration on my part, or if I just don't understand how Rune Audio or mpd handles those events.

Can someone explain what is supposed to happen when:

a) the share is offline, and
b) when it goes offline while in use?


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Re: Offline shared directories

Postby silvrr » 27 Apr 2016, 22:05

I would assume that if its offline at the time it is requested to play, it won't play. If the file is only available via the shared source it needs to be available to play, it is not stored locally.

If it is playing a file and the source of the share is restarted or disconnected the file will stop playing after any buffer (if there is one) runs out. Again nothing would be stored locally in this case and the source of the share needs to be available for continuous play.
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Re: Offline shared directories

Postby PeteB » 28 Apr 2016, 23:38

The audio does stop when the buffer is empty, yes. I was interested more in what actually happens, any errors that might be generated, etc, when a share is offline.
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