On RA 0.3-BETA on a RPI B+, can I update the MPD itself?

Raspberry Pi related support

On RA 0.3-BETA on a RPI B+, can I update the MPD itself?

Postby LaMauvaiseRéputation » 11 Nov 2015, 14:04


I would like to add to My Webradios one for my kid (http://bwbstream.beeweeb.com:1935/live/ ... ylist.m3u8) that provides a m3u8 playlist instead of a m3u playlist. I've found in this forum (the-new-4-core-raspberry-pi-t862-60.html#p5453) that MPD above 0.19.2 should make it. However, I'm on a RPI B+.

Should I attempt to install RA 0.4 pre, that at the time of the quoted post was not working on RPI B+, or is there a way to upgrade the MPD itself inside version 0.3-BETA? BTW would it be enough to update the MPD?

Thanks a lot!
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