On raspberry A+

Raspberry Pi related support

On raspberry A+

Postby tpylkko » 19 Dec 2014, 21:45

Has anyone ever set up runeaudio on an A+? Are there any problems involved. AFAIK the problems relating to the B+ model have been resolved.

I am considering this. However, it seems to be that Runeaudio cannot use Wifi out-of-the-box, but rather uses an ethernet-connection. Now, the A+ does not have an ethernet port at all, but it does have a usb-port into which you can put a wifi dongle. However, if the device is headless and without ethernet, how do you even do the set up? Perhaps it is best to boot into RA and then use hdmi to a display for the first session, then set up wifi from the terminal using a usb-kb?
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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby rupi » 19 Dec 2014, 22:27

The device has a hdmi output. You can connect a monitor and a USB keyboard log in as root and configure WIFI..
Rune audio comes with a tty configured (at least the 0.3beta I've on my r-pi) so there shouldn't be any special boot magic involved to log in.
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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby tpylkko » 19 Dec 2014, 22:39

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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby tpylkko » 21 Dec 2014, 20:34

So, can I assume that wifi setup via terminal (hdmi) will not essentially differ from standard Arch? That Runeaudio is not different from the standard in this respect?
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wi ... figuration
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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby tinue » 01 Jan 2015, 14:27

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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby tpylkko » 01 Jan 2015, 18:49

Thanks for your reply.

I also have B+, so perhaps I should do what you did, seeing as how that is easy and has already been verified to be doable.

I found an earlier thread on this forum about using music on the sd. However, what do you mean when you say that upon upgrade one would have to do everything? Is this because the sd would be full?
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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby tinue » 07 Jan 2015, 19:47

So far, a new version of Runeaudio always came in the form of an image to be burned to the SD card. This overwrites everything on the card, including any music files present on the card.
Maybe one day there will be an "upgrade" button which will upgrade Runeaudio on the run, but until then I would not store music on the SD card.
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Re: On raspberry A+

Postby tpylkko » 08 Jan 2015, 22:29

Ok, I realize that now, of course that does present a sort of inconvenience.

It worked out quite easily, I was expecting something much more complicated.I got Runeaudio setup on A+ by initially booting in a B+, using the ethernet connection and the webgui I setup wifi and ejected the card. Then I booted it in the A+ and it worked perfectly. I don't know if this would work with all wifi dongles as some might require some drivers or whatever to work, in which case it might be more difficult, if you have no network, no webgui and you need to use the sole usb port for a keyboard and cannot even have the dongle plugged in while you are doing setup.

I notice that the wifi is marked at 65 Mbps. I wonder why this is since the wifi dongle is 802.11n-compatible (max bandwith of g is less than 65 Mbps I beliebe)? Not that it matters... would rarely need more. Only situation I can think of is if one were to use the sd-card for file sharing.
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