>Why would the designers put something there that's not really needed,
Designers ? what education level do you think they have ? anyone can copy from the net, it takes 2 hrs to learn how to layout a pcb.
>I mean they pay for the item to and put it on,
they just add the cost, to product, customers then pay a little extra.
>then we say it's not needed and in fact it would work better without it?
You must thrust me, it is NOT NEEDED..
>Doesn't make sense to me. But then anything to do with circuitry never does make sense to me.
I can normally tell you exactly why and what on every tiny part on a pcb, I got the right education levels, and over 30 years experiance
with electronic design.
the more we find out, the more confused we can be

Typical with wrong/bad designed stuff.
thanks for the pictures, the GEEKROO P1FI DAC 2.0
also use ferite bead R8, but on your pictures I can not tell it it is in ground ??
or in 5V input, newer the less, they also use the switchmode module, I claim loud and clear :
only do worse !! nothing good comes from this part ! And that is a fact !
The cobber V1.1
they got wiser : no ferite bead, no resistor in the ground, and now see :
the switchmode module is replaced with ferite bead in-out, so they learned from their mistake.
>I notice the Hifiberry DAC+ has a lot less circuitry on the board when compared to the PiFi:
EXACTLY, this is the best design (if you ask me) and my now modified P1FI circuit is made similar to this design
and now it really works and sound is finally good and stable.