INFO for version 2.0 PIFI
REMOVE the DC/DC converter it is USELESS, all it do is add noise to your dc supply.
REMOVE the ferite called R8, ADD shortcircuit
ADD tiny resistor from DC/DC converter input to output footprint under the say FB2,
I used 1 ohm, but any value 1-5 ohms will be fine.
change C9 from 10uF to 220uF (voltage rating is not important 10-16-25-50V what ever)
I also added 220uF on the DC/DC module output pads (suck holes clean first) this way 5V in, is now super clean.
REMOVE C1 (you dont want to couple input dc ripple current into audio board ground)
REMOVE C20 (add bad MTBF and is useless)
DO this even if you hear no clicks or noise.
scroll back to page 2 for first version pifi mod pictures.