hi again, connected my P1FI DAC 1.0 board
to my RPI3, this DAC board uses PCM5102A and is hifiberry compatible
at least that is the settings i always been using, with my old PI1 and rune 0.3
it plays.. so it must be connected correctly (GPIO21=data GPIO19=FS GPIO18=clock)
The problem is random audio clicks, simulates quite well dust particles on a vinyl record
what can be done to solve this ??
I had same problem with PI1 and rune 0.3
I2S timing issue ?
defective sound card ?
PS: another problem : the left time dial, dont react to my input, it moves fine when music play
and it move when I react with mouse, but when I lift mouse, the time hop back to live play,
like it ignores my commands.
EDIT : this problem only apply to WAV files.. time dial react normal with mp3 files !!