by millennia » 23 Sep 2016, 19:35
A very good idea to use the wlan interface in this case.
I further thought about the party mode feature. I think with your "Auto-Wifi-AP" configuration, we can use the dnsmasq to set a static IP for admin clients and deliver the standard runeui.css file to these admin clients. all other will receive the "partymode.css" additions with disabled features. with a little JS we can setup the limitation for queue additions as well.
with a little help i can code these options and provide a pull request to the corresponding git repositories, but i will not start coding this stuff without a chance of implementation. i have to figure out correct ngix config - and i am more on the apache-httpd side of life...
the dark side of my recommendation is that it will be not that secure. we can exclude links like "/settings/" for user clients and also blacklist MPD commands in ngix config, but i can not guaranty for the security at all.