Password for RuneUI

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Password for RuneUI

Postby wasowski02 » 15 Dec 2016, 20:45

I'm using my RPi with runeaudio at my school and I need a password for the RuneUI. I had an incident few weeks ago when someone cracked in and played "bad music". I've created a script using cron to backup the logs. Since they can still acess the web using the library computers I need a password.

I've tried using htpasswd from the AUR apache-tools package but I can't install it. I read a topic about this on this forum, but it didn't answer the question. Does someone have a solution for this?
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Joined: 15 Dec 2016, 20:21

Re: Password for RuneUI

Postby UrsBucher » 22 Jun 2020, 13:09

Menu >>> Settings >>> Password protection. I've RuneAudio v0.4. I'm a college student working on my projects now (Pi Projects For Electronics Students Raspberry Pi). I thought about an addon first, but then found the answer in this discussion: [Addon] RuneUI Password.

Urs Bucher
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Joined: 22 Jun 2020, 13:03

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