PCM1794 DAC board with ODROID-C1+

ODROID related support

PCM1794 DAC board with ODROID-C1+

Postby odroider » 23 Dec 2015, 11:09

I bought a relatively cheap PCM1794 DAC board at $50 from China Ali-express
and connected to the C1+ via direct connection of I2S bus.
I used a toroidal transformer as a power supply like below picture. The transformer is around $30 in Korea local market.

It works greatly with very high dynamic range (+125dB) and good frequency response.
But the SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) and THD+N measurement values are worse than the official HiFi-Shield.
It shows around 100dB of SNR while the HiFi-Shield gives over 110dB.

s_20151221_170113.jpg (87.87 KiB) Viewed 2729 times

I will upgrade the normal voltage regulators to ultra-low-noise version with some nice capacitors when I have time and money for better sound quality. ;)

BTW, is there any way to use the SRC(Sample Rate Converter) in RuneAudio?
The PCM1794 DAC supports up to 192Khz only while the HiFi-Shield supports up to 384Khz.
I have dozen of nice music files which are recorded at 384 or 352.8Khz.
I couldn't find the settings menu for the SRC. Please help me for my happy Christmas holiday. :P
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