Pi 2 and Hifiberry

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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby PeteB » 04 May 2016, 22:50

How did you edit the /boot/config.txt file, if you cannot get past the boot splash screen?
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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby rastus » 05 May 2016, 01:13

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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby fortheshire » 05 May 2016, 01:17

I opened it in text editor and removed the # and saved the file.

As for it being a faulty DAC, the hifiberry test image worked perfectly.
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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby rastus » 05 May 2016, 01:47

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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby fortheshire » 05 May 2016, 02:34

Yes. And just to make things more interesting, Volumio works just fine. Although, I would rather have Rune Audio.
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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby rastus » 05 May 2016, 03:27

It just keeps coming back to software, doesn't it.... or configuration. And I am in no way disputing your abilities, you seem to know what your doing. I know this, when I edit the config.txt file using Notepad in Windows I find it very difficult to edit the file contents, so I use Notepad++ v6.9 as that lays everything out in a more editable format, nothing like the config.txt file loaded into Notepad.

Your using a Mac right?

Which I know next to nothing about, but... could it be the editor program your using messing up the config.txt file?

But then, Volumio wouldn't work either, would it... to quote hondagx35, "this is strange and shouldn't happen." And your using the latest version, "RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB"? Maybe try an earlier version, maybe.

"Both LEDs are lit up." <--- So the card is getting power and the driver for the card is being loaded.

Try this link, maybe it'll help (if it don't help, it won't hurt): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blO3EtP_D10
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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby PeteB » 05 May 2016, 04:35

Sorry about the one-liner, I was working at the time. The answer is probably in config.sys. The test image and Volumio will not have the same config file. The rainbow square is very early in the boot process, but the config file is used by the code embedded in the Pi.

See typical boot sequence described here:

What I was trying to get at was, that if I were going to diagnose this, I would disconnect everything except what I needed to use to log in and edit config.txt.

Everything connected to the USB port, everything except the power supply and what I needed to log in. I would start with a fresh new SD card if you have one, flash it with the SAME image, but do not change the config.txt yet, leave the DAC connected to the 40-pin header and power, and boot with the original config.sys, with dac driver disabled but dac connected. This should work, if the test image worked.

Then change one thing at a time.

I would disable the turbo mode in the config. sys, and the USB high current limit and boot again (neither is necessary to get a dac running, and I bet the test image does not use turbo mode or the higher USB current setting).

After that, make any HDMI settings, and boot again (still leaving the DAC dtoverlay section alone.

Then set up the network, etc...

Then any other Rune Audio settings, but leave the output set to HDMI.

Only at the end, uncomment the line in config.sys for the dac, and try to boot.
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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby ingohz » 06 May 2016, 09:50

This may be a complete different issue. I have an HifiBerry Digi+ which also hung the Pi at the rainbow image. It happened only with kernel versions 4.1+ as used in newer images of RuneAudio. Lower kernels ran fine. It could be solved by reprogramming the EEPROM with the help of the HifiBerry guys. You may want to read and try a version with an older kernel to reproduce the problem.

Good luck!
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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby PeteB » 06 May 2016, 16:56

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Re: Pi 2 and Hifiberry

Postby ingohz » 06 May 2016, 18:16

The bad boy worked fine with the stable RuneAudio (Kernel 3.18?). Seems like the EEPROM was not used in older kernels. After reprogramming all was fine also with newer kernels...
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