my hifi dac board is called P1F1 DAC 1.00 blue pcb with PCM5102A
it looks exactly like this: ... 16050.html
I got the image from the main runeaudio site, latest image for my PI
is : release version: 0.3 (build: beta-20141027)
in settings : I2S kernel : G2labs Berry NOS
in MPD : audio output device : Berry NOS 1543 I2S
SOUND PROBLEM : I hear random micro short clicks, and some times when I change track, I hear odd poor sould quality
like nothing I have ever heard before , lige short chunks of sound are removed, but the time of the music still work.
it my sound card defective ?
wrong settings ? please help ?
in MPD, if I scroll down and click save and apply !! my system stall, only way out is a power recycle !! is this normal ?