SOLVED Pi-2 Unable to set password for NAS using NFS

Raspberry Pi related support

SOLVED Pi-2 Unable to set password for NAS using NFS

Postby imazed » 15 Jul 2015, 12:27

I am a newbie to rune and Linux.
Installed rune audio on Pi-2 and all fine playing from USB stick and web radios but cannot access main music library.

My Music is on a laptop hard disc. Laptop runs Linux Mint and nfs server .
When I attempt to set up a local mount I am unable to enter user name and password as these are grayed out when I select NFS from the Fileshare protocol drop down menu. Also grayed out is Guest Access on/off button.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug.

I have previously used a similar setup using volumio and can see the Music directory from another laptop so everything is OK except for ability to enter laptop user and password.

Any help appreciated.

I found out how to update and when I did so problem disappeared - so all is fine now
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