My Raspberry Pi is successfully working for more than a month now, delivering music to my active loudspeakers without big problems. Also (for now) I made peace with Runeaudio for the lack of managing music. So, as the hardware set-up is nearly final, I think it's time to step back a bit and look at what I have got.
Watching the Pi resting on the shelf with all the wires and the USB drive next to it makes me happy when I think of the music but not when I think of the looks. The enclosure I got now is ok, but I easily can think of something that looks more like an audio device rather than a Pi case.
So, over the last couple of days I searched the internet for a nice alternative housing but couldn't find any enclosure that could house the Pi with propably two HATs and a power supply. I found a nice site showing lots of boxes: , but nearly all of them look like Raspberry Pi enclosures. The closest to what I would like to get is the Plusberry Pi Media Box ().
As I think there are zillions of Pi enclosures around, you might have done the same search already and maybe found a nice and good one. Please post pictures and/or links. Construction drawings too are appreciated.