Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

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Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby Michocs17141 » 17 Mar 2017, 14:02

Hello.... A new new and novice member.

The question is maybe stupid, but is it possible to plug the pi+hifiberry directly on a power amps without going throught a preamp ?
Is the quality altered ? Is it dangerous for hardware (power amps or speakears)

This device will be the only source for my home music : synology + pi + power amp... And of course an android device.

Physicaly it is possible, but is it a proper way of doing that ? How to adjust the volume ?

If not, is there another device that should be install in between and of course with the volume control possible into the same apps ??

Thanks a lot... I am lost....
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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby ianhaynes » 17 Mar 2017, 21:14

Yes it is possible in that the HiFiBerry has ample output to drive the power amp and Rune allows you to set a minimum volume at start-up. You then have control over the volume from within Rune.

I guess the question is whether this is fail-safe and I don't know the answer to that. Can there be a start-up scenario where the minimum volume wouldn't be set?


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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Mar 2017, 21:44

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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby Ancipital » 19 Mar 2017, 22:48

It is a very bad idea indeed. All you need is a full amplitude startup "pop" from the DAC and you'll blow your speakers. Use a reputable preamp with sensible start-up muting etc., ideally. The OI of the Hifiberry won't be right for the power amp, and you won't have any of the usual protections that a preamp provides.

I'd certainly never connect a device running a slightly flaky and ill-defined software and hardware stack like this to a power amp- I value my speakers and my ears.

(..software has bugs, even software that you like ;) )
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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby Michocs17141 » 20 Mar 2017, 00:25

Mmmm.... Sniffff

I understand and i think you are right.

Do you have any idea of what preamp i could use ?
Something very very simple with a remote for the volume. And of course without killing my bank account... Lol

Thanks anyway for the advice.
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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby ianhaynes » 20 Mar 2017, 10:40

You can make a simple passive pre-amp with a good quality potentiometer. Blue Alps used to be a brand favoured by enthusiasts. The other way is to use a pre built attenuator similar to .

Google 'passive preamp' and you'll find all sorts of articles and kits. You may find some with remotes.


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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby neanderthaler » 23 Mar 2017, 20:33

Once upon a time I had an active preamp with sophisticated digital poti, illuminated display and all that gimmicks.
Nowadays, I returned to an old, blue ALPS poti together with a small and cheap PA (FAME A-200 II). Works great. Fanless, almost silent, but enough power to make my neighbours hate me. Well, I like listening to AC-DC and Beethoven at concert volume level.
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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby gearhead » 25 Mar 2017, 22:04

Actually, this is how I have been running my main system for years. My amp has a fast acting speaker protection but it has not been needed in 2 years. I would probably not do my initial setup this way, but once it is set up and running, it is probebly a low possibility of damage. I have not had any problems with my 5122 based DAC with hardware volume control driving my amp to decent levels.

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Re: Pi + hifiberry directly on a power amps - no pre amp

Postby Apache » 26 Mar 2017, 18:42

I use PiFi DAC ( similar with Hifiberry ) directly connected to my amplifier ( AUX imput ) and works fine.
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