Pi Vessel on the Raspberry

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Pi Vessel on the Raspberry

Postby JackieJack » 08 Oct 2014, 13:34

Hi! Pi Vessel is a new project based on the Raspberry platform.

This device is a small entry-level computer or an entertainment computer for people who don't want a lot of hassle to get up and running fast. It has an ultra-strong case and it's great for children and active people. You watch TV and movies without a long setup time, download software, put together a console, read instructions, or fus about with complex cables and gadgets. The Pi Vessel is simple, affordable, and kid proof.

All information about this device is on Kickstarter.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/20 ... nicomputer
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Re: Pi Vessel on the Raspberry

Postby skrodahl » 08 Oct 2014, 14:01

I looked at the Pi Vessel with interest, as there aren't really any options for people who want a sturdy Raspberry Pi case. This one even comes with a power supply and a custom Linux distribution.

As a Raspberry Pi project, it makes sense. But it doesn't really make much sense for RuneAudio. There is no place for an I2S DAC, and the Linux distro is redundant. All in all, it's completely tinker free.

Still, that leaves us with the power supply, and I'm sure many (myself included) would like to buy the PSU separately.

The Pi Vessel 2 is slated for next year, maybe they could benefit from doing a hacker version. With space for e.g. a DAC, add-on boards, access to GPIO or maybe even space for an LCD display in the case.

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