Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby Superkikim » 20 Mar 2016, 18:46


I also have the wifi issue with RPI3 and HiFiBerry DAC+Pro.

Wifi on RPI3 works fine. At least as long as the HiFiBerry DAC+Pro is not powered up. It is very stable, and latency is fine. The problem only appears when the DAC is powered up. I'm not equiped to test the power fluctuations on the RPI, I don't know if it's a problem of power, or a bug/conflict between HIFiberry DAC+Pro and integreated WIFI.

My power supply is "official" 2.5A PSU. I tried with a 2.1A PSU as well, and with a 2.1A output powerbank, all with the same result.
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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby jimmeuh » 20 Mar 2016, 19:23

Wifi reception is fine.

Thanks for your reply.
Are you using RuneAudio as well? If not, it's clearly an issue with the hardware and we should probably discuss this further with the guys from Hifiberry:

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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby Superkikim » 20 Mar 2016, 21:03

Nope. I've been trying Raspbian Lite, and Archi Linux. Same issue with both.
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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby hondagx35 » 20 Mar 2016, 23:08

Hi all,

a new image is on the way.

The problems with "HiFiBerry DAC+Pro" should be fixed with it.

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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Mar 2016, 23:19

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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby jimmeuh » 22 Mar 2016, 08:46

Thanks Frank! Will try this evening.
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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby jimmeuh » 22 Mar 2016, 19:55

I'm just testing the new image.
The Hifiberry DAC+ Pro now works out of the box. Thanks!

Wifi still has issues though.
Will need to test further but something very strange is happening:

1) Everything online: LAN connected, wifi connected. Music is playing fine.
2) start 2 continous ping tests to the 2 ip addresses. no drops nor timeouts
3) I login with SSH to the wifi interface and issue a reboot command
4) the ping to the LAN IP address stops immediatly
5) after +-5 minutes the wifi connection drops (why does this takes so long?)
6) after a minute or so the LAN connection is back
7) wifi stays out
8) I go to the Rune UI through the LAN connection and browse to the mpd settings page...
9) pings to the wifi connection are back

Afterwards I play some tracks, and the pings keep running to both interfaces.
Only playback stops all of a sudden. UI gets unresponsive and I have to issue a reboot command again.

Sorry :)
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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby hondagx35 » 22 Mar 2016, 21:45

Hi jimmeuh,

with the current implementation it is not possible to use both connections at the same time.
Having both up at the same time on the same network could be confusing because both IP's would answer on both interfaces and applications may not know which IP to bind to or which interface to route through.
It even gets worse with the use of avahi (http://runeaudio) because it will respond on both interfaces.

This may change in the future, but at the moment you only should use ethernet or wifi but not both.

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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby jimmeuh » 23 Mar 2016, 10:22


When I boot the PI with the LAN cable disconnected, the wifi won't turn up.

When I connect the LAN cable, I can go to the UI (mpd settings) and the wifi gets active.
So it's not possible to only use the wifi connection at this moment.
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Re: Pi3 and DAC+ Pro

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Mar 2016, 12:31

Hi jimmeuh,

booting with ethernet disconnected works for me without issues.
So it is not a general problem!

wifi.png (48.88 KiB) Viewed 1845 times

- Is your wifi connection configured via UI or manually?
- static IP or DHCP?
- you are connected to the same router with ethernet and wifi?

Please post your debug data.

Here are the steps i did:
- downloaded latest image.
- copied it to my sd card
- connected all cables and usb devices
- booted the Pi
- figured out the IP address (router)
- connected via browser to my device
- navigated to menu->network
Imageselected the wlan0

- after the scan has finished i clicked on the SSID i want connect to

- entered all necessary data

- saved the profile

after a few seconds the scan shows that i'm connected

- connected via browser to my device (using the wlan0 IP)
- pulled the ethernet cable
- rebooted via menu->Turn off
And my Pi comes up with wifi connection.
Then i plug in the ethernet cable my Pi activates eth0 and gets an IP.
I can do all this with DHCP or static IP.

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