Pi3 + CM6631

Raspberry Pi related support

Pi3 + CM6631

Postby ElTurco » 28 Feb 2017, 10:09

Hello everyone,

I am quite new at Raspberry and also Runeaudio. I just ran my runeaudio yesterday but couldn't sucseed it with my dac which uses usb in dac with CM6631A chip.

Rune recognize the dac when I check MPD but when play, nothing !!!

Does anyone knows any tips what to do ? I saw "Compatibility fixes" on runeaudio.com but couldn't find what to do !!!

Also another problem that, I am using 5V 5A SMPS power supply, before I tried Moode player without any problem but when I ran RuneAudio, 2 things happened :
1) When power off, both leds green and red stayed still. Before (on moode) when power off, only red led stayed, is it normal ???
2) while working, green led flashing but red led also flashes after 3 blink of green. I mean, green flashes 3 times then red flashes 1 time. As I read, it is not normal and read that it is power issue but I don't think so I have weak power for Pi ? Do you have any idea what is it ?

Thanks in advance
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Joined: 28 Feb 2017, 09:38

Re: Pi3 + CM6631

Postby Stephane » 28 Feb 2017, 10:25


For the leds:

1) yes it is normal, it does the same on my system.
2) red led flashing or off: it means that there is not enough voltage for the PI, it happens when you are using a weak cable.
I have measured the current and it is less than 1A for the PI3 and a Digi SPDIF card. With my 7" TFT screen it goes up to 1.2A peak. And I had the same problem with normal USB cables, I had to build my own.

For your DAC, I have no idea. Try to connect with SSH to the PI (user: root, password: rune) and see with alsamixer if the outputs are not muted.
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Re: Pi3 + CM6631

Postby ElTurco » 28 Feb 2017, 10:35

Posts: 11
Joined: 28 Feb 2017, 09:38

Re: Pi3 + CM6631

Postby Stephane » 28 Feb 2017, 10:39

Posts: 71
Joined: 06 Feb 2017, 10:35

Re: Pi3 + CM6631

Postby ElTurco » 28 Feb 2017, 11:40

Well, I change the PSU's cable with the thicker one and increased the PSU voltage to 5.09V to 5.12. When I test the voltage from the legs of Rasp. shows me 5.09V and seems RED led blink stops.

Any info abt. CM6631A ???
Posts: 11
Joined: 28 Feb 2017, 09:38

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