PiFAce Display

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

PiFAce Display

Postby Teejoo » 02 Mar 2014, 14:27

Hello everyone,
Any chance that in the near future, RuneAudio would be able to use this little display so it would show radio stations and/or song tittles ?
If not, anyone can get me on the right trail to get this going ?
I recently looked into this device, and it all looks sure very complicated to me ! :| :roll:

Thaks for every reaction on this !
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Re: PiFAce Display

Postby jean_paul_75 » 15 Apr 2014, 20:19

the piface is not only a display but an interface with infrared remote receiver, plus several key/switches

What you need is a basic 16characters/2lines LCD directly connected to the gpio. This thing cost less than 4 € on ebay (versus quite more than 20€ for the piface).

It would still need to be supported by the RuneAudio scripts.

So, I have one question for you Rune Audio people:

As I'm currently working to have such a LCD displaying the IP adress of the raspi after boot, would you find a use in RuneAudio scripts for a kind of print_to_LCD() php funtion?

As I understand the way to use RuneAudio, there shoud be no computer screen or TV connected to the raspi. The user has only its own small screen (smartphone in wifi, etc...) connected by local net to he raspi. I suscribe to the idea. But the inconvenience is that the user is left alone in the dark anytime there is a problem or a doubt about its net link.
So I think there is a need for the raspi being able to give basic cues about its status, directly on its own very cheap LCD. Once you decide to have this LCD, it may be useful too during normal playing.

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Re: PiFAce Display

Postby ACX » 16 Apr 2014, 09:41

Hi everyone, we don't own any of these displays and this feature currently isn't in our roadmap, but we can offer support to anyone who wants to integrate it in the future.
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