Hello there,
Hoping someone can help me here.
I've just heard about RuneAudio (as well as Volumio) and I've started to give them both a try.
The problem I'm having with RuneAudio is that I cannot seem to get an online radio channel to play (and so far, that's all I've been trying to get to work first, before I move on to other sources). The UI always remains on the "STOP" button, and even if I click on the "PLAY" button, nothing seems to happen...no sound output (to the TV), and no visual change on the UI.
I have tried the often suggested solutiion (to change the MPD output to Analog, and then switch it back to HDMI) but that does not seem to work at all.
With Volumio though, I do not have this problem. I stick my SD card into the PI, boot up, and "boom!", I'm able to play (and listen to) almost all of the listed online radio channels...without even having to change the MPD output (to HDMI). It just works....straight out of the box, so to speak!
Of course, I do have a problem with Volumio as well...and that is that on boot up I see a message that says something about a volumne being corrpupted (and not beind mounted, and that I need to run FSCK)...and then when the OS is ready (and I've logged in - via keyboard and TV output), I get other messages that mention something about the disk. Also after 15 to 20 minutes, everything stops and I have to reboot.
So...I'm having (different) issues with both distro's and therefore I cannot seem to proceed.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.