by rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 07:31
foxint > You could use the "other player", maybe? But seriously, you can select a folder (album) of files (songs) or a single song from many folders. They then are added to the 'que', you can 'trash bin' the cue if you want to start with a new folder or series of songs. You can also save cue's to be played another day. Say for instance 20 rock songs in cue-1, and 40 pop songs in cue-2, and 5 complete albums in cue-3, and so on. When saving cue's the songs themselves must remain in the same place on the source (HDD, USB Flash Drive, or Network Shared folder), otherwise RuneAudio will not be able to find them when you play that exact cue another day. I think there is also a 'random' play feature too... this allows for, ummm, random play. LoL.
Edit: global random will play all songs, one after the other (not in any order!), from any source (HDD, USB Flash Drive, or Network Shared folder) in a random fashion (not pre-selected). So, there are two ways to select music, either 'cue' or 'random'. I'm afraid the Pi, and Rune software, has not yet attained mind reading status. I'm hoping it will soon as it'll make things a lot easier. LoL! If you need instructions to enable global random let me know and I'll do a quick write up here. If you need instructions to set up a pre-defined cue let me know and I'll do a quick write up here. If you need instructions to delete (trash bin) a cue let me know and I'll do a quick write up here.
Last edited by
rastus on 16 Apr 2016, 08:21, edited 3 times in total.