Playing files inside a folder in library mode

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Playing files inside a folder in library mode

Postby robertinjo » 10 Jan 2015, 16:50

first of all, I like RuneAudio very much, it works well and it is fairly quick.
I just got an Raspberry Pi B+ and I had no problems setting it up and running...
Thanks for a great work on it.

As for a request, I believe there is one thing that could make it even better and more user friendly,
as I stated on the subject, playing a files inside an folder on USB disk or whatever media is mounted.

So for example, by pressing an icon of the mp3 file inside library > USB > "some folder" we get instant play of this file followed by other files in the same folder. And all that without affecting queue or the playlist.
Similar functionality exists in the Pi MusicBox software, and it could be great addition for the RuneAudio.

Second thing that could be added to the folder view UI is a quick add button (+) on every folder and file perhaps, so one can add files to queue without entering a menu.

Thanks in advance and all the best from Zagreb, Croatia!
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Location: Croatia, Zagreb

Re: Playing files inside a folder in library mode

Postby ACX » 11 Jan 2015, 04:02

Hi robertinjo,

1) RuneAudio is based on MPD and MPD is based on a queue to play tracks. So if you want to play something, you usually have to add it to the queue before. I'm not aware of other ways to achieve the playback without loading tracks in the queue...

2) Adding a button on every entry would meand to add hundreds of elements in the DOM, potentially affecting rendering performance (expecially on mobile devices) when you have lots of entryes on the screen. Anyway, as the "Add"/"Add and play" button is only a click away, so I see no practical reason to add another button in the UI just for that. Do you usually add entries at the speed of light? :)
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Re: Playing files inside a folder in library mode

Postby robertinjo » 14 Jan 2015, 01:10

1) A pitty, Mopidy can do that, maybe they incorporate this functionality in some next release of MPD

2) Well, not exactly in the speed of light but close... ;)
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