Playing from Ubuntu Artful to RPI3 DAC+ RuneAudio

Raspberry Pi related support

Playing from Ubuntu Artful to RPI3 DAC+ RuneAudio

Postby Taxicletter » 15 Nov 2017, 15:48

I installed PulseAudio raop and dnla on my Ubuntu Artful Aardvark computer, to be able to stream audio to my Raspberry Pi + DAC+ RuneAudio device.
The device is in my network, I can control it with runeaudio.local and I see the device in my sound preferences (both Airport as uPnP device). If I select those devices, I hear nothing (audio stops playing).

I posted this in Raspberry Pi, although I think the problem is with Ubuntu 17. But there isn't a category for Ubuntu, so :-).

Has anyone a good and easy idea to stream my audio from computer to raspberry?

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