Playlists and things...

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Playlists and things...

Postby rst1 » 07 Apr 2014, 22:10

since all is about playlists when you play something, I like to ask for some additional features here..

- clear playlist button (as mentioned somewhere else) would be very nice
- save and load playlists (was already mentioned somewhere else, I think) would also bei nice
- bigger playlists (I noticed that there seems to be a limit of 16384 max entries in a playlist, and as I'm looking for some substitute for my Sonos setup (mainly because of their horrific idle wattage and a ~65k songs limit) I thought rpi w/ a DAC would make a nice alternative)
- the ability to load a complete mountpoint into a playlist instead of going to each single directory and add them
- changeable behavior on double-click on a song (this adds the song now, which growd the playlist quite big after a day or so, I would like to have the option of "add and replace on doubleclick" or similar
- multiroom w/ synced play would be great
- toggle autoplay on startup ;)
- WIMP would be great, but as far as I understand it's quite impossible to add this.
- something else that just browse folders would also be nice (I have mp3 and flac in seperate folders therefore I haven't all tracks from one artist together here)

There were more things on my list, but I can't remember them now..

If there are testers needed for any new feature I'm happy to participate, lots of spare SD Cards for new versions available here ;)

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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby ACX » 08 Apr 2014, 08:19

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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby rst1 » 08 Apr 2014, 08:29

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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby ACX » 08 Apr 2014, 08:42

1) browse by file is now the default and the only enabled way. We are going to restore the browse by Artist/Album/Genre/Year in the 0.4 I think
2) true random play mode (without the need to load huge playlists): DONE :)
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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby jotak » 20 May 2014, 17:02

Hello there,

Just a thought about big playlists "killing" the browser. I think it's worth it to implement something for this issue, because you could run in similar issues if you want to browse by artist / album etc. Maybe some "lazy loading" list through javascript would be interesting, don't you think? Hiding and showing elements as soon as you scroll next to them...
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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby ACX » 20 May 2014, 23:37

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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby jotak » 21 May 2014, 07:19

Nice to see such fast answers :) Thanks

I understand lazy loading can raise other issues... it's not an easy problem

By the way I wanted to share also some work I've done on browsing / playlist management ; I am not (yet?) using RuneAudio, I'm still on the older "Raspify" on top of which I've copied-pasted the Volumio Web-UI (tried the same with RuneUI, but it didn't work, I guess it's related to the changes in linux distro ; I'll upgrade my rasp.pi one day...) ; anyway feel free to checkout my work if you find it interesting, it should be quite easy to integrate in RuneUI, and it's on github (my own WebUI fork, which is itself based on your own work if I've understood everything : ... ct_library ) Cf. screenshot attached.

The work is still under progress, not yet functional.

The idea is to show a multi-pane filtering view to allow combined filters (by genre, artist and album) and multiple-selection filters.

Here again the performance hit of displaying very large DOM may happen for large music libraries (it's ok with my thousands of files).
Screenshot - raspify.jpg
Screenshot - raspify.jpg (158.21 KiB) Viewed 7981 times
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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby ACX » 21 May 2014, 08:23

I just took a quick look to your work and I see some interesting things that could be useful for the current RuneUI development. As you may know (I disclosed some details some time ago), we almost completely rewrote the code base for the upcoming 0.3-beta, and I already solved most of the performance issues that affected RaspyFi's UI (and still affect Volumio's too, of course). Would you be interested in being involved in its development?
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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby jotak » 21 May 2014, 08:46

Just read this blog post, I didin't see it before ... it looks like a great step you completed! I'll have to install it.
And I'd be glad to contribute then ;)

I see only a few commits on github / RuneUI , does it mean it's not the latest version there?
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Re: Playlists and things...

Postby ACX » 21 May 2014, 09:30

We are currently working on a separate repo because it has been a drastic rework, but the code will be published soon together with the 0.3-beta.
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