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Postby Grundgütiger » 13 Dec 2015, 10:35

Hi there on this rainy Sunday,

as I'm still new to runeaudio, I'm still playing around with it. Now I'm interested in playlists. I understand how to create them when playing music, but this would take quite a while to add the playlists I'd like to have. So: Is it possible to import playlists somehow? I created one within the runeaudio system but it didn't show up on the SD-card, so I guess it's somewhere hidden in the system - for whatever reason. If it's possible, I would create them on my computer and so also would need some advice on how the structure of the playlists are. My music is stored on an attached USB drive, so an example would be great.

Thanks everybody!


Re: Playlists

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Dec 2015, 11:10

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Re: Playlists

Postby Grundgütiger » 13 Dec 2015, 12:06

Thanks Frank!

I really do appreciate the work you all do with runeaudio and the support you give, especially on a Sunday. :)

I searched the SD card but couldn't find any file or directory. I thought there must be some directory where playlists are stored...
Thinking about it now, there's not very much visible on the SD card anyway. I also searched the invisible files and folders without success. How can I find this folder? I should mention that I'm a Mac user.

I know that runeaudio is based on mpd. I already read the mpd documentation randomly and learned that there is a playlist plugin. So it could have been activated in runeaudio to import playlists.


Re: Playlists

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Dec 2015, 12:54

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Re: Playlists

Postby Grundgütiger » 13 Dec 2015, 13:15

I can see! :D

Found it! No need for an extra program. The Mac's finder was all I needed. There also was no need for a password, a guest log-in did the job.

Thanks for that!


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