please help rune take forever to run

Raspberry Pi related support

please help rune take forever to run

Postby temp04321 » 28 Jul 2024, 09:01

Hi all, thank you for having me.
I have been using runeaudio with a rasperry pi 3 and an external screen for months without problems.... and now:
After changing the internet provider and going to full fibre I can't anymore store the wifi into the pi. Is it because is a wifi6 router? anyway I then connect to the py a wifi dongle compatible...and I could not achive anything... so I took it off the pi when the pi was on.... now I have an ethernet cable connected and it obviosly work. The problem I have is that when i turn on the pi it hangs on login screen for a very long time and after a while it come up with a error message and after a few seconds it load and everything works as normal.

error message:
runeaudio login : [15361518] EXT4-fs error (device mmcblkopz) : ext4_mb_generate_buddy:757 : group 12 block bitmapand bg descriptor inconsistent : 14012 v 14013 free clusters

Is there a way to fix this error? if not could someone pointing me on how I can save the settings of my UI .... I remember that my small screen had to be "adapted" and I did change something like dimensions of the dials...
many thanks in advance
Posts: 2
Joined: 28 Jul 2024, 08:29

Re: please help rune take forever to run

Postby temp04321 » 28 Jul 2024, 09:08

here is a photo
20240727_175545resized.jpg (212.41 KiB) Viewed 1579 times
Posts: 2
Joined: 28 Jul 2024, 08:29

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