Please refer to the improvement.

Raspberry Pi related support

Please refer to the improvement.

Postby nekomaru » 13 Oct 2015, 02:30

Dear developers like
Raspberry Pi related support

It was found to dim, it is the following description.
Please refer to the improvement.

The "subject that does not appear"
and (items to be displayed)
"→ Migration I representing the operation."
"- It refers to the item in the same area."
(Use the "\" to separate the Japanese windows "/" can not use most)
"Runeaudio" it will following Rune abbreviated.

1, WebUI description of the source
/ \ Is recognized as the separator without distinction If you are aware of.
"Rune" (MENU) → (Source) - (Network mounts)

"Last / IP + path / No path error in WinSPC"
(Source name) Gabrriel faure "library display path: NAS / Gabrriel faure
Display Label "
(IP address)\Clasical/Gabrriel faure the "wrong entry"
(Remote directory) "no path"

"It is displayed in the Network mounts" Country //\Clasical
/ Gabrriel faure /

"Last / me look with no IP / path WinSPC"
(Source name) LS-XL3CD "library display path: NAS / LS-XL3CD"
(IP address) "correct entry, the name LS-XL3CD will not be accepted."
(Remote directory) share / Clasical / LS-XL3CD "correct path"

"It is displayed in the Network mounts" LS-XL3CD //

It is reflected in the (REMOUNT ALL SOURCES) → MENU-Source-Network mounts
It is reflected in the (REBUILDMPDLIBRARY) → MENU-Playback-Library

(MENU) → (Playback) → (Library) → (search in DB.) → ρ Search (magnifying glass)
To "Since the item. There is MENU-Playback-Library" and (recognized library
Lee is displayed)

Connect the WinSPC in the next operation
Commander mode (Options - Preferences - appearance - Commander mode)
The LINUX holder of left-click "destination side"
"I can not see the holder of the network without does not then."
"When the share holder to a network drive assignment can see from WinSPC"
Upload the source file in the shared following of the holder of the PC side "source side"
If you change the content that appears in Note ♂ link from WinSPC Please note that network drive body is changed.

2, Is SD memory mount position of Rune?
/ Mnt / MPD
/ LocalStorage "path: LocalStorage"
/ Lost + found
/ NAS "path: NAS"
/ Lili Marleen "path: NAS / *"
/ (♂) NAS "path: NAS / NAS" (mark of ♂ links)
/ USB "path: USB / *"
/ Webradio it "does not appear"
And to extend the free space of the SD memory, via the WinSPC do I upload to the "USB"?
The Webradio the library also upload transfer does not take effect is not displayed.

3, Rune path tree of
The LINUX side of the path to download the Export WinSPC to text child seen in winPC side
I bet you will be.
. pwd; find | sort | sed '1d; s /^\.//; s / \ / \ ([^ /] * \) $ / | - \ 1 /; s / \ / [^ / |] * / |
/ G '> /mnt/MPD/LocalStorage/tree.txt to download somewhere on the PC side
You look.

Best regards

Google Translation
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Joined: 13 Oct 2015, 02:07

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