Populating the Queue

Raspberry Pi related support

Populating the Queue

Postby Wadey » 18 Mar 2016, 01:46

Have got Rune to load on my Rpi 2, and opened in my web browser. Have the playback source page open, but nothing happens when I click on MPD. The sources page has a green tick against address for my preferred network mount.

I did manage to see a list of the files in my network drive folder, but I now can't find them.

One the playback page it says MPD Empty queue, add some music. My question is "How?"

It there a proper user manual for Rune Audio, cause the on screen instructions leave much to be desired. Ok I guess if you know how to use it!

Any help appreciated.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2016, 01:34

Re: Populating the Queue

Postby silvrr » 18 Mar 2016, 10:19

Click the library tab. Navigate to the music you want to listen to. On the right hand side next to the file/folder there are three white lines. Click on those to add to the queue.

Choose the top most level to add everything if you want to shuffle through your whole library.
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